Back in time with the Liquid Face Lift

Back in time with the Liquid Face Lift

As we age, the face begins to show the effects of gravity, sun exposure and muscle movements. In addition, the skin is slowly being deprived of an essential component for its elasticity, namelyhyaluronic acid. As a result, the skin tissue begins to look worn, with visible wrinkles, more or less deep.

To attenuate the signs of time, wrinkles, reshape the contours of the face and restore its tone, one can resort to fillers, or liquid face lifts, substances capable of filling the voids and furrows left by wrinkles.

These are injectable substances such as hyaluronic acid, but also collagen or fat, substances that can fill in and give support to tissues that have become soft, thus improving the appearance of the face and ensuring a more youthful appearance.

Fillers are mainly used to treat fine facial wrinkles, expression lines, to restore turgor to the lip contour, or to correct small scars. Sometimes they can be used in conjunction with other techniques and procedures, sometimes alone.

The treatment is very simple and fast and consists of injecting a liquid substance directly into the desired area in order to achieve filling or an increase in volume. Depending on the depth of injection and the substance used, the results may vary in duration. However, it must be said that these are in all cases temporary results.

The fillers are all biocompatible and therefore create no risk of complications, rejection or allergies, especially when hyaluronic acid is used, an entirely natural substance that is normally contained in the body. The injection is performed with a very fine needle, just below the dermis. The hyaluronic acid is then gradually reabsorbed by the body, usually after 4-10 months.

An interesting technique also involves the use of fat taken directly from the patient, again allergic reactions are practically impossible as we are talking about a substance taken directly from the body.

Fillers are ideal for a natural result and minimally invasive treatment; they do not involve surgery, leave no scars and are fairly inexpensive.