Breast augmentation: everything you need to know

Breast augmentation: everything you need to know

Maybe you have been thinking about it for a while, maybe you are still undecided, or just scared, maybe you have decided to give yourself a nice Christmas present. Whatever your situation, there are many women who, each for their own personal reason, would like to increase the size of their breasts.

It is more than normal to be plagued by a million doubts, so we will help you clarify the situation and give you all the information you need to considerbreast augmentation surgery.

Here is everything worth knowing:

  • Let's start by saying that in Italy, as in many other parts of the world, breast augmentation is the most popular operation for women between the ages of 20 and 40.
  • Many women come to the surgeon asking for the breasts of a famous person, but this approach is absolutely incorrect. In fact, one must always think first and foremost of respecting the harmony and proportions of the body, without overdoing it, thus respecting the uniqueness of each one and going along with the physical characteristics of the patient. And so, when choosing implants, one must consider both the patient's wishes and her body measurements, to avoid unnatural effects. A good surgeon must know how to say no to excessive demands.
  • Breast augmentation will affect posture. Thatis why it is necessary to choose a size proportionate to the structure, in which case the effect on posture will be minimal.If, on the other hand, one chooses a much larger implant size, the difference will be felt.
  • Thefirst operation will most likely not be the last. Like all implanted materials, implants are not eternal, and it is recommended that they be replaced after 10-15 years, although it has been proven that they last longer .
  • Another aspect to consider is that breast augmentation surgery could have consequences on the ability to breastfeed. Much depends on the type of operation, but in some cases there is a small risk of damage to the ducts. it is therefore a good idea to discuss this with the surgeon before the operation.
  • A breast operation can have a small effect on screening for breast cancer. Therefore, before undergoing the operation we recommend that you get examined by your gynaecologist or a breast specialist.Usually having a mammogram is not a problem if the implants are behind the muscle, but about this, too, it is important to discuss with the surgeon.
  • In any case, the new generation implants are created with highly sophisticated technology and are definitely safe, in most cases they do not give any problems for either pregnancy or screening.
  • Breast augmentationsurgery lasts about 90 minutes and is generally performed under general anaesthesia with one day of hospitalisation, the surgical technology used being specific to the needs of the individual patient.
  • In the post-operative period, for the success of the operation, it is necessary to be aware that afterwards certain precautions must be taken to reduce risks. Physical activity, for example, will have to be reviewed slightly after the operation, especially during the first few weeks, and especially aerobic activity with jumping .It is then advisable to wear a sports bra for about 30 days and to refrain from muscular exertion with the arms for this period.