Excessive sweating? Treat it with Botox

Excessive sweating? Treat it with Botox

the season of hot weather has begun, of high temperatures that often lead to sweating especially during the hottest hours of the day. Sweating in itself is not a problem; on the contrary, it is a normal reaction of our body that disposes of excess heat and self-regulates the temperature. The problem, however, arises when sweating becomes excessive, in which case we speak of hyperhidrosis, an inconvenience that can cause embarrassment in everyday life in contact with other people.

Certainly the summer period is the most feared by those who suffer from excessive perspiration. Light, tight-fitting clothes seem to emphasise the problem and the discomfort of wearing constantly damp and stained clothes. In addition, excessive sweating is often the cause of unpleasant, often embarrassing odours.

Excessive sweating, especially in the areas of the armpits, palms of the hands and soles of the feet, can be due to different factors such as excessive heat, exercise, stress, anxiety, emotionality, but also from factors such as menopause and hyperthyroidism. In any case, whenhyperhidrosis causes such discomfort that it compromises social relationships, it is advisable to seek an effective solution that goes beyond the simple use of 'anti-sweat' products.

There are remedies for hyperhidrosis. One can either intervene surgically with the removal of the sweat glands, or opt for a less extreme and non-invasive solution: botulinum toxin infiltrations. This substance, best known as an excellent treatment for expression lines, can also be used to eliminate the problem of hyperhidrosis.

Botulinum toxin is in fact a purified natural protein obtained from clostridium botulinum that is used to limit muscle contraction. By infiltrating the area to be treated, botulinum toxin blocks the transmission of the nerve impulse to the sweat glands.

The injection is performed directly into the axillary cavity, making 10-15 small punctures, with very fine needles, evenly distributed. The treatment requires no specific preparation, the session lasts on average 15-30 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis, without anaesthesia. The effects start to be seen after about a week but are not permanent. The treatment lasts about 6 months, so for a stable reduction in sweating, the treatment should be repeated twice a year.

This time of year is certainly the best time to undergo the treatment, as it will be possible to cover the entire summer season with a single treatment.