Fighting stretch marks

Fighting stretch marks

Before understanding how to get rid of stretch marks, let's start by clarifying the causes that lead to their appearance and how they can be prevented. Stretch marks are striations that appear on particular areas of the body as a consequence of a strong loss of elasticity of the tissues: thighs, buttocks, belly and breasts. They are in essence scars that first appear purplish in colour and then turn white. Stretch marks can appear for various reasons, but the most common causes are severe and sudden weight loss or weight gain, hormonal changes (especially during adolescence), pregnancy or adrenal endocrine diseases.

In fact, once they have appeared, stretch marks are quite difficult to get rid of. The best thing, therefore, is to prevent them. How can they be prevented? The most important thing to prevent stretch marks is to keep the skin elastic, so that when the above-mentioned factors occur, the formation of stretch marks is minimised. So first of all, a healthy diet and lifestyle. A healthy diet, rich in fruit and vegetables, as well as water and dried fruit, to maintain the correct level of hydration. One must then try to limit the consumption of fatty foods, as well as coffee, alcohol and foods that weigh the body down. As well as diet, it is also important to have a healthy lifestyle to keep the body toned and active by doing regular physical activity to avoid sagging or sagging skin. Another tip is to always keep the skin moisturised and nourished with specific creams and lotions. Specific oils or the intake of vitamins A, E and C, which help improve the elasticity of the skin's collagen, are particularly recommended.

Once stretch marks have appeared, specific aesthetic treatments can be used to eliminate them. The type of treatment to choose depends on the 'stage' of the stretch marks. If the stretch marks are still in an early stage, i.e. they are red in colour, then you are 'lucky' as there is still time to remove them as they are young (inflammatory period). Vitamin E-rich oils such as olive oil, almond oil and wheat germ oil can be used in combination with massages to improve blood flow. Peelingwith glycolic acid helps both to smooth and moisturise the skin and to reactivate the physiological mechanisms and eliminate dead cells. If the stretch marks are already at a more advanced stage and are therefore white in colour, dermabrasion, which removes a superficial layer of the skin and regenerates the cells, can be used. Another valid solution islaser, which acts by eliminating the parts of the tissue with stretch marks, promoting the growth of new skin. In this way, it is possible to regain an even, compact, blemish-free skin in extremely fast and painless sessions.

As a last resort, surgery can be resorted to. If it is not possible to eliminate stretch marks, it is still possible to pull the skin and remove the stretch marks. However, this type of surgery is only indicated when the stretch marks are located in the abdominal area. One must however bear in mind that this is an invasive intervention of a surgical nature. With all the discomfort that may ensue and a postoperative course to follow.