Post-pregnancy abdominoplasty

Post-pregnancy abdominoplasty

With pregnancy, a woman's body inevitably changes. Sometimes it is easier to return to the old physique, sometimes the changes are small, but sometimes it also happens that after pregnancy a woman no longer feels comfortable with her body. Generally speaking, if pregnancy has left extra kilos behind, there is no need to worry, the body must have time to readjust to the new condition and certainly a targeted diet accompanied by constant physical activity will help to regain the ideal weight. However, there are some flaws that cannot always be resolved with diet and exercise: stretch marks, adipose accumulations and skin laxity. In these cases, postpartum abdominoplasty is one of the most suitable procedures to correct these types of imperfections. In fact, if the skin is not sufficiently elastic, it can happen that after childbirth it is unable to retract completely and remains in excess.Abdominoplasty is the most suitable cosmetic surgery procedure for removing localised fat, excess skin and any stretch marks located on the abdomen, with the aim also of firming the entire abdominal wall. However, it is advisable to wait at least 6 to 9 months after childbirth to allow the weight and muscular structure to stabilise. The procedure should not be underestimated, as it is asurgical operation to all intents and purposes. The operation requires a general anaesthetic and admission to a health facility for one day. The duration of the operation can vary depending on the amount of tissue to be removed and the technique used, and ranges from 120 to 240 minutes. Reshaping of the abdomen is performed by means of a skin incision that extends from the pubis to the iliac spines bilaterally and allows the entire abdominal wall to be peeled back. In the post-operative period there are slight haematomas and oedema associated with mild discomfort. bed rest is recommended for 24 hours and then light activity for 5-7 days after which one can return to normal daily activities. The scar remaining from the operation is generally of good quality and its position, below the panty line, makes it particularly "invisible". During the postoperative course, it will then be necessary to wear a supportive girdle to help the tissues recompact.

Alternatively, if the patient presents a slight exclusive skin accumulation in the subumbilical area, a mini-abdominoplasty with liposuction of the supraumbilical wall can be considered. This technique involves a shorter surgical time compared to normal abdominoplasty, the operation can be performed under local or spinal anaesthesia with a Day Hospital stay with an operation duration of 90 to 120 minutes. In this case, post-operative recovery is quicker by about 4 to 5 days. The scars are generally slightly smaller than those of a traditional abdominoplasty and their position, below the line, makes them very similar to those of a caesarean section.

What if another pregnancy is planned? Well, in this case it is undoubtedly advisable to wait and perform the operation only after the last planned delivery because, in the event of a subsequent pregnancy, the result of the operation could be nullified. In fact, a pregnancy inevitably leads to weight gain and an exponential increase in abdominal volume. Therefore, if the skin is not elastic, it will tear again, stretch and stretch marks will form again.