Reducing breast size with reduction mammaplasty

Reducing breast size with reduction mammaplasty

When one thinks of cosmetic breast surgery, one's thoughts always turn to breast augmentation, but there is also an operation in reverse, which is quite widespread and in demand, that of reduction mammaplasty. An overly voluminous breast can in fact be a source of discomfort for the patient not only from an aesthetic and psychological point of view, but also from a physical one. The excessive weight of the breast can be uncomfortable even in the most usual movements and can also cause a shift in the body's centre of gravity with consequent mechanical stress on the spinal column. It can create discomfort and problems in sports and also in the choice of clothing.

It is therefore possible to reduce and lighten the breast with an operation that reduces its volume while modelling its shape.

The operation can be performed at any age, but depending on the age, the procedure may change. For example, in a very young girl, the volume can also be reduced with breast liposuction, due to physiologically increased skin elasticity.

The operation is performed under general anaesthesia and, except for special clinical indications, does not require hospitalisation, but is therefore performed as a day hospital. The duration of the operation generally varies between 2 and 4 hours.

Normally, skin sensitivity remains unchanged after the operation. it is possible, however, that the ability to breastfeed may be impaired, which is why it is advisable to undergo the operation consciously from this point of view and, if children are desired, possibly after any pregnancies. As far as scars are concerned, great care is taken to ensure that they are positioned 'tactically' so that they are not visible.

The aesthetic result is generally very satisfactory and long-lasting but not permanent; it will however be conditioned by lifestyle and the inevitable effects of gravity and ageing. It is therefore advisable to carry out regular check-ups and consider replacing the implants after 10-15 years.