Removing the 'bar code' from your lips

Removing the 'bar code' from your lips

Do you know those unsightly wrinkles that, from a certain age, form around the mouth? These are the so-called 'barcode', lines that form around the mouth, and in particular on the upper lip, due to ageing, but also to bad habits, primarily smoking. The lip contour is a very delicate area (like the eye contour) that is marked much more easily than other parts of the face, due not only to smoking but also, for example, to excessive exposure to sunlight and atmospheric agents. So how can one combat this annoying blemish and give the lip contour a more youthful and compact appearance?

A good solution to the problem can be the application of fillers. The treatment involves injections of hyaluronic acid under the skin. It is a virtually painless treatment that is performed under local anaesthesia. It lasts only a few minutes and the result is appreciated immediately. Its duration is not permanent, however, much depends on the minimum of the mouth, but it can certainly be guaranteed for 6-9 months.

Another useful treatment is the fractional laser, which stimulates skin regeneration through elastin production with a 'smoothed' wrinkle effect. The fractional laser is one of the most innovative and effective tools for skin rejuvenation, without having to resort to surgery or more aggressive treatments with ablative lasers. The treatment lasts between 30 and 60 minutes and is generally well tolerated. Once the treatment is over, it is necessary to protect the treated skin with a high sun screen and a good moisturising cream. The final result will continue to improve over the following months.

The two techniques can also be combined to achieve a truly perfect and optimal result, i.e. combining a fractional laser session with a filler session