To each his nose

To each his nose

Rhinoplasty has always been one of the most popular and widely practised cosmetic surgery procedures. The operation can have a dual function: correcting functional defects of the nose but also purely aesthetic ones.

The nose is actually located in the centre of the face and is a major element of a person's face and appearance. When one does not feel comfortable with one's nose, this can lead to unpleasant feelings of insecurity and a bad relationship with one's physical appearance.

Proceeding with a rhinoplasty can therefore help, by reshaping the nose and correcting its shape, both to restore compromised functionality and to achieve purely aesthetic purposes.

However, once the decision has been made and a rhinoplasty opted for, the question arises of how to intervene, how to choose the perfect nose for a given face. This is certainly not an easy matter, as there is no such thing as a perfect nose that looks good on everyone's face. Sometimes real fashions explode, like that of the 'Kate Middleton' nose, and so everyone goes to the cosmetic surgeon to ask for the same perfectly shaped nose, yes but for his or her face. It is not necessarily the case that the same identical nose of the Duchess of Cambridge looks so perfect when placed on a face with different features. In fact, every face has its own characteristics that must be respected, maintained and even enhanced.

Another fundamental aspect: always recognise yourself in your own face. This means not distorting the face with a completely different nose, but rather a good solution could be to correct the defects without altering the main features too much.

A good cosmetic surgeon must therefore not only have the practical skills to deal with this type of surgery, but also a keen sense of how to advise his patient. it is important before surgery, a thorough study and discussion with the patient to ensure that the new nose is in line with his expectations and that it harmonises with the rest of the face.