Facial rejuvenation: filler or botox, which to choose?

Facial rejuvenation: filler or botox, which to choose?

Filler and botox are two aesthetic medicine treatments that are always in demand because they represent the right compromise between results, cost and discomfort. Both provide immediately visible results and are applied through simple subcutaneous injections on an outpatient basis. The pain and discomfort are very minimal and the costs quite low, especially compared to those of a surgical procedure such as a facelift. In both cases, however, these are temporary solutions. Both hyaluronic acid fillers and botunica toxin are reabsorbable, so they do not have a permanent duration, and in order to have a lasting effect it is necessary to repeat them over time.

The hyaluronic acid filler is used to correct skin imperfections typical ofskin ageing, such as wrinkles and small depressions, to give plumpness and fullness to thin lips and sagging cheekbones. The filler is injected under the skin through syringes with very fine needles that cause just a little discomfort, which is definitely bearable. After the injection the skin immediately appears relaxed and plumped up. In this case, the duration of the result depends on the subject and also on where the filler was applied, but generally ranges from 6 to 9 months. Over time, the filler is then gradually reabsorbed by the skin.

Botulinum toxin, commonly known as botox, is another substance that is used for filling wrinkles. The injection of this type of product causes the nerve impulse to the muscles to be blocked. This is precisely why botox is used to eliminate expression lines, i.e. those caused by the contraction of muscles, on the forehead, between the eyebrows and around the eyes. this type of treatment is therefore only effective for wrinkles caused by the action of the mimic muscles and is not indicated in cases where these are caused by skin ageing. Botox is also an outpatient treatment. botulinum toxin is injected with a small syringe into the mimic muscles. The results are fully visible after 2-5 days, when muscle relaxation begins, and reach maximum effectiveness after about a week. Also in this case, the treatment is temporary, lasting on average about 4 to 5 months, and then gradually starting to disappear.

In practice, the treatment is chosen according to the type of wrinkle, whether static or dynamic, i.e. due to a fixed position or continuous movement. Botox is good for forehead wrinkles, while filler is better for giving the face a fuller effect.