Female and male genital rejuvenation with prp, filler and laser

Female and male genital rejuvenation with prp, filler and laser

Today, aesthetic medicine is able to rejuvenate not only the face and body without surgery, but also the most intimate parts of our bodies, thegenital area, which, like everything else, tends to lose the characteristics of youthful age with time, in short, to 'age', also leading to changes in the sexual sphere.

it is a phenomenon that occurs in both women's and men's bodies and often follows the physiological hormonal changes typical of the menopause for the one and the andropause for the other, leading to major aesthetic, physical and psychological changes in the sexual sphere.

Around the age of 40/50, the female genital apparatus begins to change due to the lack of oestrogen, which progressively decreases until it disappears. In men, a progressive decline in testosterone occurs after the age of 50. The reduction of these hormones in women produces the appearance of less elastic vulvar skin with thin, dry and fragile vaginal mucous membranes that can cause discomfort and pain during intercourse. Similarly for men, there is a progressive reduction in penile turgor with a sometimes less satisfying sexuality.

Here, then, is a new sector of aesthetic medicine that deals with the rejuvenation of the female and male genitals with effective techniques, even if they are still little known in Italy. The results, however, are immediate and do not involve pain or hospitalisation.

Laser treatment can be performed by subjecting the areas to be treated to special light that stimulates tissue rejuvenation. In this way it is also possible to restore moisture and elasticity to the affected areas and regain a more youthful appearance.

With Prp, on the other hand, the affected area is stimulated by infiltrating an extract of the patient's own platelets containing growth factors and stem cells. After a blood sample is taken, it is centrifuged and the platelets, carriers of tissue growth factors, are extracted. These platelets are then re-injected at the subcutaneous level, stimulating tissue rejuvenation with very satisfactory results.

Finally, hyaluronic acid-based fillers manage to provide tissue turgor through micro-infiltrations at the subcutaneous level. Hyaluronic acid moisturises the tissue, improves the elasticity of the area and, above all, restores lost volume to the intimate parts.

With an outpatient treatment of this type, it is also possible to carry out so-called 'G-Spot amplification', a safe, fast and effective method of increasing the volume of the G-spot, a particularly erogenous area of the vagina, rich in nerve endings which, when stimulated directly, intensifies sexual pleasure.