How to eliminate a double chin

How to eliminate a double chin

A double chin is considered an obnoxious and unbearable aesthetic defect by everyone, men and women alike. Many people think that it is caused exclusively by excess fat or a few extra kilos, which is partly true, but in reality the double chin is also due to a loss of muscle tone in that particular part of the face. it is in fact a defect from which even very thin or at least not overweight people suffer. What matters then is the tone of the muscle, yes because there is a muscle there too, which is very difficult to keep trained. Then there are factors that determine this: hereditary factors or a lifestyle that leads us to spend many hours in front of the computer.

Various remedies can be tried to eliminate the double chin, from simple gymnastics to cosmetic surgery. Let us see what they are.

1) Gymnastics can be very useful because, as we said, this is also a muscle that can be trained with small exercises specific to the area.

2) When the double chin is due to fat there is one thing to do before all the others: lose weight, take care of your diet and change your lifestyle.

3) A double chin can also be caused by poor posture, so here's another point to pay attention to and take action on: posture.

4) Women have a few more weapons than men to disguise this defect: make-up and hair. A new haircut or a skilful use of make-up can make all the difference.

5) One can then use creams specially designed to reduce the fat under the neck thanks to the active ingredients contained in the formulation.

6) As a last resort, we have left cosmetic surgery, which can achieve good results but, compared to the other methods, is certainly much more invasive. Surgery can also be performed in various ways. The type of operation is directly related to the cause of the double chin formation. The possible operations in this case are:

  • If the double chin is caused by excess fatty tissue in the neck, the best solution is liposuction. A syringe is inserted into the patient's neck and the excess fat is sucked out. An even better solution is laser lipolysis, which is less invasive because the excess fat is dissolved naturally and partly sucked out with very thin cannulas.
  • If the double chin is caused by a lack of elasticity and thus sagging skin, then the solution is a necklift. The skin is thus 'pulled' and the excess part cut off and removed.
  • If the double chin is caused by sagging neck muscles, one can act by restoring tension to the muscles with Botox, or one can intervene surgically to tighten the muscles.

The choice of surgical intervention is strictly personal, depending on the patient's degree of dissatisfaction with his or her face. It is certainly not to be taken lightly but to be carefully evaluated together with a professional. The results are good and long-lasting, of course ageing will continue, but in the meantime one can turn back the hands of the clock a few years and restart them from there.