Labiaplasty: intimate female well-being

Labiaplasty: intimate female well-being

The new frontier of aesthetic medicine and surgery, increasingly in demand in Italy too, no longer concerns the usual mouth, cheekbones and breasts, but also extends to decidedly more hidden and intimate areas. In fact, labiaplasty makes it possible to restore turgidity, hydration and elasticity to a tissue that, just like all others, is adversely affected by various ageing factors, particularly hormonal ones.

It is therefore possible to intervene on the female genital area both in cases of hypotrophy and to restore tissue hydration and elasticity. This can be done through the use of a dedicated hyaluronic acid-based filler. To prevent and counteract physiological ageing and improve skin trophism and elasticity, infiltrations with biostimulating substances can be performed instead.

But it doesn't end there, one can also intervene to correct aesthetic defects in the female genital area, with an operation that, in addition to improving aesthetics, helps to resolve problems that are often psychological in nature and that can cause disturbances in relationships, especially in young women, or that can also be precisely of a functional nature, such as the discomfort of wearing tight clothing during sport, recurrent infections, or pain during sexual intercourse.

The interesting fact is that this type of surgery is also becoming very popular in Italy. And this is thanks to developments in surgical techniques that ensure brilliant results from both an aesthetic and functional point of view.

Specifically, labiaplasty consists in the reduction and remodelling of the mucous membrane of the vaginal lips. The technique involves the removal of excess labial mucosa using a traditional incision and resorbable sutures or laser incision. Post-operative pain is generally absent or very limited, possibly relieved with pain-relieving therapy. The procedure is conducted as Day Surgery, and the patient can go home as early as one hour after the operation. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia with sedation, lasts about 60 minutes, and allows a full return to normal occupations within a few days. The post-operative course is normally painless, although the genital area in the first few days after the operation is swollen and rather sensitive. Sexual activity can be resumed after about 6 weeks.