Otoplasty: cosmetic surgery for the ears

Otoplasty: cosmetic surgery for the ears

Otoplasty is an easy and safe operation to obtain a significant improvement in the imperfections of the pinna commonly also known as 'floppy ears'.

The operation is performed on both men and women who are still young. In particular, it is indicated for children between 5 and 6 years of age. Already at that age, in fact, the auricle is well formed and does not undergo any major changes in the subsequent development phase, so the operation is definitive. There is therefore no reason to postpone the operation if the ears are a source of discomfort for the child.

Otoplasty is the ideal cosmetic surgery to permanently eliminate the problem of 'floppy ears' with non-visible scars. The surgery is simple and risk-free, and is performed under local anaesthesia with sedation on an outpatient basis. Post-operation is usually quick and painless, and normal life can be resumed after about a week's rest, during which it will be necessary to wear a protective elastic band around the ears.

Otoplasty leaves no visible scars as the incisions are made behind the ear. The ears are returned to their normal position, i.e. brought closer to the skull, and made symmetrical. Shaping involves in some cases simply removing a portion of skin and repositioning the cartilaginous membrane so that the angle given by the protrusion of the pinna from the head is reduced.

it is such a simple operation that, as we said, it is also recommended for children as young as 5 years old, to avoid unnecessary psychological problems related to the shape of the ears. In fact, cosmetic ear surgery has no particular cointroindications. The surgery can give great satisfaction on an aesthetic and psychological level, freeing one from a defect that often leads to discomfort in both adults and adolescents or children.

Otoplasty can be used to solve problems of floppy ears, asymmetric ears, ears that are too big, dysmorphic pinnae, and lobes that are too big or damaged.